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What data points are available in the Products tool?
What data points are available in the Products tool?
Aaron Kong avatar
Written by Aaron Kong
Updated over a week ago

When you use ALQEN to look at products on Amazon, you'll see lots of information. This guide explains what each piece of information means. Knowing this will help you understand products better.

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Column Name


Product Image

The main picture of the product on its Amazon listing.

Product Title

The name and key details of the product as shown on Amazon.


Special labels like "Best Seller" that Amazon assigns to products.


Amazon's unique 10-character code for identifying a product.

Parent ASIN

The main ASIN for products with multiple variations.


Best Sellers Rank - shows how well a product is selling in its category.

BSR Increase

How much the product's Best Sellers Rank has changed.

BSR % Increase

The percentage change in the product's Best Sellers Rank.

Sales Trend (Parent)

How sales of the main product are changing over time.

Sales Trend (Variation)

How sales of a specific product variation are changing over time.

Monthly Units Sold

Estimated number of units sold each month.

Monthly Units Sold % Increase

Percentage change in estimated monthly sales.

Estimated Monthly Revenue

Projected monthly income from the product.

Variation Units Sold

Number of units sold for a specific product variation.

Variation Revenue

Total income from a specific product variation.

Variation Count

Number of different versions (like sizes or colors) of the product.


Current selling price of the product on Amazon.


Number of questions and answers on the product's listing.

Rating Count

Total number of customer ratings for the product.

Rating Count Increase

Change in the number of ratings over time.


Average star rating given by customers (out of 5).

Ratings Rate

How quickly the product is gaining new ratings.

FBA Gross Margin

Profit left after Amazon's FBA fees and other costs.

Date Available

When the product first became available on Amazon.

Number of Sellers

How many sellers are offering this product on Amazon.


Whether Amazon (FBA) or the seller (FBM) ships the product.

BuyBox Seller

The seller currently winning the main "Add to Cart" button.

BuyBox Seller Region

Where the BuyBox-winning seller is located.


Amazon's internal score for supplier and product quality.


How much the product weighs.


The size (length, width, height) of the product.

Shipping Size

Amazon's size category for the product, affecting shipping costs.


The main product group on Amazon where the item is listed.


A more specific group within the main category.

Primary Subcategory

The main subcategory if a product is in multiple.

Subcategory Rank

The product's sales rank within its specific subcategory.

Variation Page

The Amazon page showing all versions of the product.

Amazon In-Stock Rate

Percentage of time Amazon has the product available.

Out of Stock

Whether the product is currently unavailable due to low inventory.

Trailing 12 Months

Sales data for the past year.

1 Month Growth

Percentage change in sales or other metrics over the last month.

12 Month Growth

Percentage change in sales or other metrics over the last year.

Launch Date

When the product was first listed on Amazon.

Child Ratings Count

Number of ratings for a specific product variation.

Total Ratings Count

Total ratings across all variations of a product.

Number of FBA Sellers

How many sellers offer this product through Amazon FBA.

Buy Box Equity

Percentage of time a seller owns the Buy Box for a product.

Revenue Equity

A seller's share of the total revenue for a product.

Margin Equity

A seller's share of the total profit margin for a product.

Product Page Score

Amazon's rating of the product listing's quality and completeness.

Number of Items

Quantity of items included in one product listing (for multi-packs).


The manufacturer's model name or number for the product.

Part Number

The manufacturer's unique identifier for the product.


The company that makes the product.


Universal Product Code - the product's unique barcode number.


Additional information about the product or listing.

Average Price

The typical selling price of the product over time.


A specific version of the product (e.g., a particular color or size).


The company or product line name associated with the item.

Buybox Seller ID

Amazon's unique code for the seller winning the Buy Box.

Buybox Business Name

The company name of the seller winning the Buy Box.

Buybox Business Address

The official address of the seller winning the Buy Box.

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