While we think it's best to use ALQEN's template, you can also use your supplier's spreadsheet. Just follow these rules to make sure your scan works:
Tip: You can get our spreadsheet template by clicking here
What Kind of File to Use
Use an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) or a CSV file (.csv).
How to Organize Your Data
If your file has many tabs, put your product data in the first tab.
In the Product ID column, don't use any special symbols or letters. Just numbers.
What to Put in Your Spreadsheet
Put all product IDs (like UPC, ASIN, or WPID) in one column.
If you want, you can put the cost for each product in another column.
Use only one type of product ID in each spreadsheet.
What Your Spreadsheet Should Look Like
Here's an example:
Product ID (UPC/ASIN/WPID) | Product Cost |
123456789012 | $10.00 |
987654321098 | $12.50 |
543210987654 | $8.75 |