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What details can I see in the Amazon UPC Scanner?
What details can I see in the Amazon UPC Scanner?
Updated this week

When you use the UPC Scanner in ALQEN, you'll see a lot of information about products. This guide explains what each piece of information means. Understanding this data can help you make smart choices about which products to sell.

Column Name



A unique ID for products on Amazon.

Parent ASIN

The main ID that groups product variations together.

Product ID - UPC

A code that identifies the product, often given by suppliers.

Brand Name

The name of the product’s brand.

Brand Restriction

Shows if there are limits on selling this brand on Amazon.

Product Name

The name of the product listed on Amazon.

Package Quantity

The number of items in one package.

Multipack Quantity

The number of packages sold together.


The money made after all costs are deducted.

Net Margin

The percentage of profit made from the selling price.


Return on Investment, showing profit relative to cost.


The main group the product belongs to on Amazon.

Sub Category

A more specific group within the main category.

Est. Units Sold 30d

The estimated number of items sold in the past 30 days.

Est. Rev. 30d

The estimated money made in the past 30 days.

Sales Rank

How well the product is selling in its category; lower numbers are better.

Avg Sales Rank 30d

The average sales rank over the last 30 days.

Avg Sales Rank 90d

The average sales rank over the last 90 days.

Avg Sales Rank 180d

The average sales rank over the last 180 days.

Lowest Sales Rank 30d

The best (lowest) sales rank in the past 30 days.

Lowest Sales Rank 90d

The best (lowest) sales rank in the past 90 days.

Lowest Sales Rank 180d

The best (lowest) sales rank in the past 180 days.

Sales Rank Drops 30d

Number of times the sales rank improved in the last 30 days.

Sales Rank Drops 90d

Number of times the sales rank improved in the last 90 days.

Sales Rank Drops 180d

Number of times the sales rank improved in the last 180 days.


How much it costs to buy the product from the supplier.

Sell Price

The price you sell the product for on Amazon or Walmart.

Tax %

The percentage of tax applied to the product.

Tax $

The dollar amount of tax applied to the product.

Buy Box Landed

The price in the Buy Box, including shipping if needed.

Avg Buybox 30d

The average Buy Box price over the last 30 days.

Avg Buybox 90d

The average Buy Box price over the last 90 days.

Avg Buybox 180d

The average Buy Box price over the last 180 days.

Lowest FBA Price

The lowest price from Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) sellers.

Lowest FBM Price

The lowest price from sellers who ship products themselves (FBM).

Referral Fee

The fee Amazon charges for selling the product.

Fulfillment Fee

The fee Amazon charges for handling and shipping the product (FBA).

Cost Sub Total

The total of all fees associated with selling the product.

Seller Proceeds

The money left after subtracting all fees from the selling price.

Inbound Shipping Fee

The cost to ship products to Amazon’s warehouse.

Prep Fee Estimate

The estimated cost for preparing products, like labeling and packaging.

Rating Count

The number of customer ratings the product has.

Average Rating

The average customer rating out of 5 stars.


The size of the product’s package.

Package Weight (lbs)

The weight of the product’s package.

Competitive Sellers

The number of sellers competing on the same product listing.

Amazon Seller Instock Rate 30d

The percentage of time Amazon had the product in stock in the last 30 days.

Amazon Seller Instock Rate 90d

The percentage of time Amazon had the product in stock in the last 90 days.

Amazon Seller Instock Rate 180d

The percentage of time Amazon had the product in stock in the last 180 days.

Amazon Is Seller

Shows if Amazon is currently selling the product themselves.

Return Rate

Shows how often the product is returned, as indicated on the Amazon product page. Values can be “High,” “Average,” or “Low,” based on Amazon’s own data.

Example (from Amazon Product Page):

CleanShot 2024-12-30 at 21.18.54

Units Sold 30d (Amazon)

The approximate number of units purchased in the past month, as shown on the Amazon search page. This value comes directly from Amazon's data.

New FBA Offers

The number of new offers from FBA sellers.

New FBM Offers

The number of new offers from FBM sellers.

Total Offers (New & Used)

The total number of offers available, including both new and used products.

Variation Count

The number of variations (like size or color) available for the product.

Is Hazmat

Indicates if the product is classified as hazardous material.


The color of the product.

Model Number

The model number of the product.

Part Number

The part number associated with the product.

Custom Notes

A space for users to add their own notes about the product.

Last Run

The last time the product data was updated or analyzed.

If you're not sure what something means, you can always ask for help. We want to make sure you can use this information easily to find good products to sell.

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